Fermenters and bioreactors are critical components in labs focused on cell culture, fermentation, and bioprocessing. These systems are designed to cultivate microorganisms or cells under controlled conditions, playing a key role in the production of pharmaceuticals, biofuels, and other biotechnological products. Fermenters are typically used for anaerobic processes, while bioreactors handle a wider range of biological reactions, including aerobic and anaerobic. LabX.com offers a diverse selection of new, used, and refurbished fermenters and bioreactors for sale. Browse our listings or submit a quote request to trusted vendors offering products from top manufacturers like Sartorius, Eppendorf, and Bioengineering.
New systems range from $20,000 to $200,000, depending on the volume, automation features, and specific application needs. Larger-scale bioreactors with advanced control systems will generally be on the higher end of the price range. Used fermenters and bioreactors provide a cost-effective alternative, with prices typically ranging from $10,000 to $100,000, influenced by the condition, brand, and capabilities of the unit.
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