Modular Cleanrooms are freestanding steel structures that require no external ceiling supports. Find Modular Cleanrooms online through classified ads on LabX. 

Modular Cleanroom

The Series 560 modular cleanroom systems are prefabricated, pre-engineered vertical flow cleanrooms that offer a viable alternative to costly conventional cleanroom construction. These modular cleanroom systems feature easy-toassemble self-contained modular sections that are designed to allow for future expansion. Remove and re-configure sections for a process change or completely disassembly and relocate to another facility if desired.    The pre-engineered modular cleanroom is free-standing and require only a solid, level floor for their support. The Series 560 modular cleanroom is available with a solid or raised floor and come in a variety of sizes and styles to allow a system to be tailored to meet individual space configuration requirements.    The Series 560 modular cleanroom utilizes a full HEPA filter ceiling bank to ensure an even airflow which greatly reduces the air turbulences and eddy air currents. This provides a uniform laminar airflow throughout the work zone.    Each model of the Series 560 modular cleanroom incorporates the HEPA-N-SEAL double-gasket seal to provide a "zero leak" ceiling system. This system keeps the primary HEPA filter high pressure seal under a negative pressure to prevent gasket seal leaks. Gasket leaks can occur over time on both clamped and liquid gel systems; the negative pressure safety seal prevents these leaks from entering the cleanroom.

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