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Sartorius Vivaflow® SU

The Sartorius Vivaflow® SU is a single-use tangential flow filtration (TFF) cassette designed for laboratory ultrafiltration and diafiltration of feed volumes ranging from 100 to 1,000 mL. It offers a ready-to-use design compatible with standard laboratory pumps, eliminating the need for additional systems or process optimization. This all-in-one cassette simplifies ultrafiltration by reducing setup complexity and eliminating steps such as feed flow rate, TMP (transmembrane pressure), and permeate flux calculations.

The Vivaflow® SU is engineered to replace the Vivaflow® 50, improving both usability and sustainability. Sartorius has reduced the cassette’s plastic content by 30.5% compared to previous models. The product is manufactured using locally sourced raw materials and features customized tubing kits tailored for each cassette configuration, which minimizes excess materials. Additionally, the packaging is designed to reduce non-recyclable components, further lowering the environmental impact.

In terms of performance, the Vivaflow® SU facilitates faster and more reliable concentration and rebuffering of biomolecules. This next-generation TFF cassette is single-use, which eliminates the need for cleaning between uses, reduces contamination risks, and streamlines laboratory workflows.

The Vivaflow® SU is particularly useful for research scientists focused on molecule isolation and processing, offering quantifiable improvements in handling and waste reduction. Sartorius supports this product with digital user manuals, contributing to a reduction in paper waste while providing easy access to operational guidance.

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